
Roof Maintenance Services

Why Choose Guaranteed Gutters for Roof Maintenance

Expert Preservation

Our certified technicians extend the lifespan of your gutters, downspouts, and roofs, saving you money and protecting your property.

Educational Approach

We take the time to educate homeowners during our thorough inspections, providing custom solutions for every unique home.

Quality Commitment

Count on us for the highest quality in tools and services, with free minor on-the-spot repairs to ensure your home is well-cared for.

Why Roof Maintenance?

Preserve the structure and value of your property.

Avoid expensive, extensive damage repairs in the future.

Protect the foundation and landscaping from water damage.

Maintain the gutter system's performance for years to come.

Types of Roof Maintenance We Do

Structural Integrity Repairs:

Roof Inspection: Comprehensive evaluations to detect early signs of wear and potential issues.

Shingle Repair: Addressing issues like loose or missing shingles, and fixing problems related to curling or buckling.

Flashing and Damage Repair: Focused on maintaining the seals around roof penetrations such as vents, chimneys, and skylights to prevent water ingress.

Water and Moisture Management:

Water Damage and Moisture: Identifying and rectifying any signs of water damage that could compromise the roof’s integrity.

Flat Roof Services: Includes sealing and waterproofing to prevent water accumulation that is common with flat roof structures.

Weatherproofing Enhancements:

Skylight Weatherproofing: Ensuring that all skylight installations are properly sealed and leak-free.

Power line Weather Proofing Roof Connection: Specialized services to ensure that electrical and utility connections on the roof are safe and weatherproof.

Wildlife and Environmental Protection:

Animal Openings / Repellent: Installing physical barriers and using repellents to prevent animals from accessing roof spaces. We also close up any existing openings to ensure animals cannot re-enter, providing a comprehensive solution to wildlife-related issues.

When to Consider Roof Maintenance?

At least once a year or following any major weather event like a storm or heavy snowfall.

Before and after the winter season to prepare for and repair any damage caused by harsh weather.

Whenever you notice any signs of roof damage, such as missing shingles, leaks, or visible sagging.

Customer Reviews

Featuring genuine feedback from satisfied customers who have experienced the excellence of Guaranteed Gutters Roof Maintenance Services, highlighting our quality workmanship, reliability, and exceptional customer service.

Rhett Bake

added a year ago

Tim and his crew have maintained and improved my gutter system for years. They also inspect the roof each time and recommend and provide needed repairs. Guaranteed Gutters services are very reliable, responsible and competitively priced.

Jim Bredberg

added a year ago

I had my gutters cleaned, included with the gutter cleaning was a roof inspection.The roof inspection revealed that some repairs to the roof were needed. Tim explained the reasons for the repairs and described why a certain style of gutter guards was recommended for my house. The price for the roof repairs was very reasonable. I also requested a quote for gutter guards which seemed to be comparable to other markets. I will have Guaranteed Gutters complete the roof repairs and gutter guard installation in the near future.

Elliot S.

added a year ago

The crew from Guaranteed Gutters did a through inspection of my roof and gave me a detailed report of repairs they suggested. Communication was good throughout and the work was completed in a timely manner. Every time it rains or snows I feel relieved that I don’t need to worry about leaks. Because of them I was able to stretch the life of my flat roof. I will be having them come out as part of my annual maintenance going forward.


How often should my roof be inspected?

In Chicago and the Midwest, it’s advisable to schedule roof inspections at least twice a year-once in the spring and once in the fall. These inspections will help identify any damage from the harsh winter conditions and prepare the roof for potential severe weather in the summer and autumn months, such as thunderstorms and heavy winds.

What are the signs that my roof needs immediate maintenance?

Key signs that your roof may require immediate attention include:

  • Visible sagging or uneven roof lines, which can indicate structural issues.
  • Missing, loose, or damaged shingles, especially after severe weather events.
  • Water stains on ceilings or walls inside your home, suggesting potential leaks.
  • Significant accumulation of granules in gutters, which indicates wear on shingles.
  • Visible ice dams or icicles during the winter, which can cause severe damage if not addressed.

Can regular maintenance extend the life of my roof?

Absolutely. Regular maintenance is crucial, especially in regions with variable weather like Chicago. It helps prevent minor issues from becoming major problems, thus extending the lifespan of your roofing system. Tasks such as cleaning gutters, removing debris, replacing damaged shingles, and ensuring proper insulation and ventilation all contribute to a healthier, more durable roof.

What materials do you use for roof repairs and maintenance?

We use high-quality materials suited for the demanding climate of the Midwest. This includes weather-resistant shingles, durable flashing materials, and advanced sealants that provide enhanced protection against wind, rain, snow, and ice. We choose products with proven performance records that can withstand temperature fluctuations and severe weather conditions typical of the region.