
The cause and effects of ICE build-up in your gutter system.

Winter time is upon us and we really need to talk about the nasty causes and effects of ice build-up in your gutter system, before we discuss this often neglected home and business disaster let’s get real!

It’s time to have that conversation:  Let’s talk about Ice: “ICE…AINT NICE!”

If you are part of the 70 percent of The U.S. of A. that lives in snow regions, then you know a thing or two about ICE.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly:  Ice Cold

When we say “Ice Cold” we are referring to the Merriam Webster definition and not the Urban Dictionary’s definition of Ice Cold.

Besides the National Hockey League (Go Blackhawks!), nothing good comes from Winter Ice. From Icey roads to frozen pipes, we have zero tolerance for ice. If it isn’t in a freezer or a cup, ice will end up in a bad location.

Causes and effects of ice build-up in your gutter system.

Ice Buildup can be tricky but there are many common issues that contribute to ice buildup in your gutters. Here are a few we feel you should know about.  (i.e. measures we can take to prevent Ice-build up when it comes to your home).

Effects or Ice Buil-up

Ice build-up causes Clogged Gutter

The most common Ice buildup contributor is clogged gutters; simply put, IF there is no room in the gutter for the water from the melting snow to flow through the gutter, THEN the overflow will freeze!  

 Improper Ventilation in Attic

 Another Contributor to Ice buildup is having Improper ventilation in the attic. IF there are not enough air vents on the roof THEN certain sections of the attic will get too hot, melting the snow on the roof. Also, the freezing temperatures outside will cause the water to freeze almost immediately when it gets to the roofline since there is no heat in the roofline.

Size of Downspout can cause Ice blockage

IF there is not enough downspout or the downspout is not big enough to handle the square footage of the roof THEN the melting snow will freeze inside of the downspout causing it to overflow and buildup ice.

 Size of Storm

This one may seem obvious but IF the storm lasts long enough and depending on where the sun is during and after the storm THEN snow will pile in one location. Usually it will be where the roof is warmer and flow towards an area where the roof is colder, causing it to freeze.

attic ventilation types

Improperly Sloped Gutter system

Sometimes it’s easy to spot when a gutter is improperly sloped because it’s obviously hanging. Even a minor 1-inch low spot can cause ice-build up if a downspout isn’t there to drain the water. IF your gutters are improperly sloped THEN water from the melting snow will accumulate on the low spot. It will then begin to freeze in low temperatures, causing ice. 

SOLUTION:  Anticipate the danger of ice build-up and act fast

Again, Ice Buildup can be tricky but there are measures we can take to prevent common ice-build up on our homes.  If you’d like to prevent icicles, ice dams or any ice build-up, we suggest that all home-owners prevent the causes for ice build-up mentioned on this blog.

Have any questions read more of our blogs or you can call or contact us online.

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