
What Goes on During an Inspection. Part One.

While we can’t speak for every contractor, we can share what we at Guaranteed Gutters do. 

Peter completing a FREE gutter inspection.

Peter completing a FREE gutter inspection.

From completing free inspections to taking photos of problem areas, Because We Care, we aim to make your number one need, our number one priority, always aiming to go the extra mile. 

Although a few of the most common problems we come into contact with could have been avoided with a routine gutter and downspout cleaning, by the time we locate the problem area, a repair is needed.

Read on to learn how to spot common problem areas and repair them yourself.

Loose Gutters/ Gutters Pulling Away

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This is when gutters pull away from the roofline causing a gap between the gutter and your house’s roofline. Thankfully, in most cases, loose gutters do not have to be replaced, especially if they are aluminum. So long as your gutter has a proper slope and a solid support system, your gutters should last you for years and years to come. However, because you already have loose gutters, one of the two items listed above are in need of repair. In this case, your support system. Our recommendation, installing heavy duty hidden hangers. After completing this repair, your gutter system will be brought up to par. 

Downspout Splits

Whenever you have a downspout split, 9/10 times that means there is debris or ice building up in your downspout. When too much debris or ice is collecting in your downspout, you are bound to run into downspout splits in which the seam on the back of the downspout opens up, allowing draining water to come out. If this isn’t fixed fast, your home can easily be susceptible to siding, brick and foundation damage. Our recommendation, weatherproofing the back of the downspout with 100% silicone. By this repair, not only will your system be brought up to par, but you will now have a downspout that will be able to expand and retract dependent on weather conditions.  

Clogged Downspouts

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These might be our favorite repair as most times, clogged downspouts are problem areas that are well hidden! Whenever we run into a clog downspout, the solution is simple. Clean and clear it. By this, not only will your system be brought up to par, but your downspout will now have the ability to transport water freely away from the system, preventing any future repairs- so long as routine maintenance is conducted.   

For more tips or comments regarding problem areas and how to locate / repair them, feel free to contact us at 773-685-9556.

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